Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update 6/8

Hey folks! The last two days have been very productive. We meet with the Advisory Committee last night and had an informative meeting. With the advice from the Advisory Committee we have finalized our garden layout and are ready to start planting when we can acquire plant. We plan to buy some starts from local nurseries and farmers. This week we will purchase our garden equipment and seed plants as well. We are looking forward to starting the planting process!

We have received great support from the local agricultural community, and are forming friendships with many locals farmer. This morning we had the pleasure of working at Common Thread, a local CSA farm. While enjoying on time with our hands in the earth, we also got some helpful information on irrigation systems. Later this week we plan to visit a few other farms in the Hamilton area.

We are approaching the historic event of planting, and we hope all of our followers will continue to check-up on our progress!

Stacey and Rob

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